iPOD touch hack released.
Check out http://www.ziphone.org/. Zibri found the solution to the iPod touch's in ability to be unjailed. The problem was with the nvram being corrupted.
Here is how to do it.
- Just run the un-corruption utility in the zPhone utility
- Run the jailbreak.
- Install the BSD Subsystem.
- Then Run the 1.1.3 updates for the BSD subsystem terminal for back spacing.
- Then install the SUID Lib Fix .
- Install The Term-VT100 terminal program.
- Install the Cydia package (DEBIAN style package management!) which will replace the BSD subsystem.
- The /Library/LaunchAgent/ folder contains the daemon launch plists. deleting one will prevent it from loading.
- If you still have the BSD subsystem do not change the root password. The BSD passwd utility BREAKS the OS causing you to need to re-install the firmware. The Cydia utility works with out incident.
- The default root password for for the iPOD will be either "alpine" or "dottie".