
OpenBSD 6.6 released early!

OpenBSD 6.6 was released earlier this week. Along with it come a number of exciting enhancements to not just hardware support, but improvements to the installer, and security enhancements to the userland as unveil and pledge continue to get integrated more. You can read the entire change log at the link above.

As I had mentioned when OpenBSD 6.5 came out, sysupgrade(8) was making snapshot upgrades a breeze for those of us running -CURRENT. A few weeks back, the team made a sysupgrade patch available to bring this functionality to OpenBSD 6.5, so that folks could take advantage of it to upgrade to OpenBSD 6.6 when it was released. I spent some time this week testing it on my VMM virtual machines running OpenBSD-Stable and indeed, it's just as easy as upgrading snapshots. Then I upgraded everything else, including my production servers.

To upgrade from OpenBSD 6.5, as root or with doas, just run these commands:
sysupgrade (it'll download what it needs, reboot, do the upgrade, and reboot again, fully unattended)
pkg_add -u (to upgrade all of your binary packages to the latest version)

As per usual, I updated the OpenBSD/httpd/MariaDB/PHP walk-through


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