From our Delicious feed today:
Textual: IRC for Mac OS X - If you're still stuck in IRC land, this is a really sexy IRC interface.
#tags: irc mac osx software opensource
HeapLocker « Didier Stevens - A new tool (very much experimental at this point) for detecting heap spray attacks
#tags: defense security infosec software tools freeware
Not Always Right » When Two Wrongs Make It Right - Hilarious social engineering
#tags: socialengineering humor
You're A Little Late - MthruF - Because no one likes passive-aggressive email signatures.
#tags: humor
Hyenae | SourceForge - A slick and flexible packet generator
#tags: ne network security tools opensource dos networking hacking testing
Faking Pharaohs Gold: a sordid tale of real piracy - These are the kinds of piracy cases that we should be worried about. Awesome justice!
#tags: piracy lawsuit electronics
Internet Privacy: Firefox Makers Look at Hiding Online Footprints - - Some interesting developments
#tags: privacy security internet opensource
Updates to a couple of Sysinternals tools - Any Windows-savvy administrator should stay current with SysInternals! Some good updates.
#tags: microsoft tools freeware sysadmin
Heat shrink fuse holder blog - I've been doing fuses this way for years. Usually without the springs. Sometimes with just a bit of solder paste in there for good measure.
#tags: electronics soldering
Photo - Drive By Blogging - Presented without comment
#tags: politics wikileaks humor