
KC 2600 & Friday Geek-Out

KC 2600 is this evening at the Oak Park Mall Food Court. I'd imagine I'll be there around 5:00PM or so. We'll probably leave to eat at 7:30 or so, then perhaps go poke around in a few of our favorite dumpsters.

By 10:00 or 11:00, we'll be at Daily Dose, geeking out. All geeks welcome. InfoTech, Anime, Sci-Fi, New Media and "hacker types" are all welcome to join. Talk about your latest pet project, get your drink on, and meet some cool (or not?) people in the process.

(jeff)isageek showed up to last week's Geek-Out and wrote up a list of local real-life gatherings extending from the social media scene in Kansas City. Check it out.

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