
Introducing: nginx/MySQL/PHP stack on OpenBSD

While our walk-through for Apache/MySQL/PHP  on OpenBSD is quite popular, the upgrade documentation for OpenBSD 5.2 is quoted thus:

nginx (see also nginx(8)) has been added to OpenBSD, ultimately to replace the Apache 1.3 derived httpd(8). For new installations, you are encouraged to utilize nginx rather than httpd, existing installations are encouraged to start planning replacing the stock httpd with nginx. 

With Apache 1.3 being awfully long in the tooth, most of us saw something like this coming. With that, there's a new walk-through that covers the basic configuration of nginx, MySQL and php-fpm to create a working, secure and chroot-enabled web application environment in OpenBSD 5.2.

Introducing: The OpenBSD nginx/MySQL/PHP stack


OpenBSD 5.2 Released

OpenBSD 5.2 was released yesterday; That means it's time to update the OpenBSD Apache/MySQL/PHP page!

Some changes I noticed right away while updating the walk-through:

  • pkg_add defaults to interactive mode. For example, when trying to resolve ambiguous packages (multiple versions available in the repository), it prompts you for which package you want to install. It will also do this for dependencies, and may ask other questions during installation.
  • The MySQL Server package comes with an optional-use script to help lock down MySQL and remove all test data. 

You can see the detailed changelog for more details. I noticed that nginx ships by default now, and that there have been other improvements all around. This post is even coming from within Chrome on OpenBSD 5.2.