In a press release issued this morning, the Metasploit team announced the immediate release of Metasploit Framework version 3.2, which boasts significant improvements and additional features from previous versions:
Version 3.2 includes exploit modules for recent Microsoft flaws, such
as MS08-041, MS08-053, MS08-059, MS08-067, MS08-068, and many more.
The module format has been changed in version 3.2. The new format
removes the previous naming and location restrictions and paved the way
to an improved module loading and caching backend. For users, this means
being able to copy a module into nearly any subdirectory and be able to
immediately use it without edits.
The Byakugan WinDBG extension developed by Pusscat has been integrated
with this release, enabling exploit developers to quickly exploit new
vulnerabilities using the best Win32 debugger available today.
The Context-Map payload encoding system development by I)ruid is now
enabled in this release, allowing for any chunk of known process memory to
be used as an encoding key for Windows payloads.
The Incognito token manipulation toolkit, written by Luke Jennings, has
been integrated as a Meterpreter module. This allows an attacker to gain
new privleges through token hopping. The most common use is to hijack
domain admin credentials once remote system access is obtained.
The PcapRub, Scruby, and Packetfu libraries have all been linked into
the Metasploit source tree, allowing easy packet injection and capture.
There are many other improvements listed, so head on over and check it out, or get to the downloading already.