Everybody and their brother have commented on the chatty-ness on MS Vista. My one note on this is that the administrative dialog that appears whenever any one accesses an item that requires administrative privileges is that the solution is a dialog level. This is similar to debians DPKG prompt level setting which sets the dialogs between only serious messages (something which has the capacity to brick the computer if not answered) to trivial (Everything, no matter how trivial.)
Microsoft’s choice to do this method of alerting users is pointless clutter. It trains the user to press "OK" on everything, which is a terrible idea that is the root cause behavior to the MS in security problem. This behavior is caused by how they are handling authentication tokens. A second token is created carrying administrative privileges and adds to the users current authentication token for the purpose of using administrative functions.
We all some times say something like "... "What they ought to have done is ..." I remember saying it a lot in middle and high school, hence my concern about saying it too often. But creating a utility witch catalogs all apps, control panels requiring admin privileges which limits its access to the rest of the system. Take for instance an old version of a children’s learning software. Many schools must run the software from the server and it requires admin privileges to run. why not put it in a root jail?
The dirty solution is to use MS's virtualization software to run it on a virtual machine. Which is inelegant but it works I guess.
On another note, I got some more information on MS's Bit blocker.
Bit blocker uses ether Microsoft’s TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to store an encryption key to unlock the disk at boot time.
Alternatively you can use a USB key drive to store the key. What this does is prevent some one from yanking the hard drive and digging out your data. The info is fair game once it is started, but you have server 2003 and Vista's security to contend with at that point.
Bit blocker creates a backup key when you setup the disk so that’s your only alternative if you lose the login key.
EFS which is encrypted files on the NTFS file system are encrypted with the users personal certificate AND their local administrator (if a stand alone machine) or the network administrators certificate (if in a domain). Given the reports that The federal government required MS to include keys for their own use I wouldn't put it past them to have included that too though I don’t have any evidence confirming my suspicions.
Bit blocker seems like a neat idea, it relies on the physical security of the TPM or a USB keychain. Another layer of security for physical protection cant hurt I guess. EFS I find useful only for keeping small children out of files they ought not be seeing. It has way too much big brother entwined within it to be of use to me.
Neocrypt or GPG or anything else for that matter is still the best option for WINTEL data security in my book.
MS EFS and Vista security *features*
Posted by
Joel Kershner
Labels: Bitblocker, EFS, encryption, InfoSec, LOAD OF CRAP, Vista
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