
OpenBSD VMM Hypervisor Part 4: Running Ubuntu (and possibly other distros)

TL;DR: you cheat.

I've been trying for almost a year to figure out how to get the cloud-init meta-data service to work with the Ubuntu Cloud image. I've asked on misc@ and other OpenBSD groups, and no one has an answer. The documentation is vague. If anyone ever figures out how to configure meta-data, let me know. I'd still like to give it a shot.

Last week, I rescued a server from a pile of computers destined to be scrapped and recycled. For me, it's the perfect setup for getting serious with OpenBSD VMM in my home lab. Two older Xeon E5-2620 CPUs and 128 GB of RAM. No hard drives, but it came with enough empty drive trays for getting started. I threw a pair of old SAS drives into it.

No surprise, OpenBSD just worked. This renewed my fervor for replicating a bunch of my cloud instances at home, and there's a lot of Ubuntu in use.

I decided to bite the bullet and just use qemu to do the installation and configuration of Ubuntu. Install qemu from packages:

doas pkg_add qemu

Download Ubuntu Server. I've actually used both 18.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS. I'm focusing on 16.04 for this because that's what I'm running on most of my EC2 instances.

Create a disk image.

vmctl create qcow2:ubuntu16lts.qcow2 -s 20G

Boot the ubuntu ISO and attach the new ubuntu disk image to qemu:

qemu-system-x86_64 -boot d -cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-16.04.5-server-amd64.iso -drive file=ubuntu16lts.qcow2,media=disk -m 640

Install Ubuntu as usual. I didn't bother adding anything other than the SSH server during installation. qemu is really slow on OpenBSD, but it works... eventually. When the install is done, shut down and then restart qemu without the installation ISO attached.

qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=ubuntu16lts.qcow2,media=disk -m 640

Log in with the user-level account you created. There are only two things to tweak before it's ready to run in vmm: Configuring the serial console, and the network interface.

Under qemu, Ubuntu sees "ens3" as the network interface. Under vmm, the network interface is "enp0s3". Change "ens3" to "enp0s3" in /etc/network/interfaces if you're using 16.04. On Ubuntu 18.04, you must instead change the "netplan" config file in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml with the same kind of change, ens3 to enp0s3.

To configure the serial console, edit /etc/default/grub and change this line:



GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"

then run

sudo update-grub

Shut down qemu again. Your disk image is basically ready to go under vmm.

To save the trouble of having to mess with qemu again, I recommend creating derivative images of the one you just created, and using those for vmm.

vmctl create qcow2:ubuntu16lts-1.qcow2 -b ubuntu16lts.qcow2

Add the new disk image to a configuration clause in /etc/vm.conf on your OpenBSD host system. Mine looks like this:

vm "Ubuntu16.04" {
        owner axon
        memory 4096M
        disk "/home/axon/vmm/ubuntu16lts-1.qcow2"
        interface {
                switch "local"
                lladdr fe:e1:ba:f0:eb:b0

For more information about setting up switches and networks in vmm, see Part 2 of my VMM series.

Voila! Ubuntu in VMM!

Although the configuration files you must edit to make it work might vary, you can do the same thing and it may very well work for text-mode-only distributions.

I actually didn't need to use qemu to get arch linux installed in vmm, but it was somewhat tedious to do entirely in vmm, and it took me a few tries to get it right. Qemu might have been easier.

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